![]() | Surname, name, patronymic name: Abdullina Akzhunus Gafurovna Date of birth: 01.07.1984 Education: Higher education Place of employment and work experience: K.Zhubanov Aktobe regional university, 18 years Faculty: History Department: Geography and tourism Title: Dean Academic degree and title: PhD (Geography) Awards: 2008-2009 "The best teacher of the Aktobe State Pedagogical Institute". Grateful letter from rector of the ARU named after K. Zhubanov, 2022 Scientific publications, books, monographs (quantity, name): more than 60 scientific publications, monographs - 2, copyright certificates - 1, educational, teaching aids - 7. Monographs - «Географиялық білім беру жүйесіндегі жаңа инновациялық технологиялар» (2019), «Батыс Қазақстан өңіріндегі қоныстану жүйесінің трансформациясы (қазіргі аспект)» (Ақтөбе, 2023). Publications on the Scopus and Web of Science database: 1. Abdullina A.G., Saparov К.Т., Sergeyeva А.M.,Yeginbaeva А.Ye., Atasoy E. The importance of toponymy of Mugalzhary mountain plots and adjacent territories to the development of geoturism. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites. - University of Oradea, Romania, - Vol. 25, no.2, 2019. - Р. 664-674. 2. Abdullina A.G., Sergeyeva A. M., Saparov K.T., Shumakova G.Zh., Yeginbayeva A.Ye. Embergenov N.J. Toponyms of cretaceous deposits in western Kazakhstan territory (in the context of Aktobe region). News of the National Academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan, Series of geology and technical sciences. - Almaty. - Vol. 2, № 446 2021. - Р. 22-30. 3. Sergeyeva A., Abdullina A.G., Akhmet G.Zh., Koshim A.G., Saparov K.T., Yeginbayeva A.Y. Protection of the geological heritage of the Aktobe oblast and its use for the development of geotourism. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites. – Year XV, vol. 40, no. 1, 2022, p.111-119 4. Sergeyeva A.M., Abdullina A.G., Albekova A.Y. Shumakova G.Zh. Development of children’s and youth tourism in the modern social space of Kazakhstan. Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology. 31(1), 2022, p. 142–151. 5. Sergeyeva, A.; Abdullina A.G., Nazarov, M.; Turdimambetov, I.; Maxmudov, M.; Yanchuk, S. Development of Cross-Border Tourism in Accordance with the Principles of Sustainable Development on the Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan Border. 14, 12734, 2022, p. 2–17. https://doi.org/10.3390/ su141912734 6. Sergeyeva A. M., Abdullina A.G., Albekova A. Y., Shumakova G. Zh. Development of children’s and youth tourism in the modern social space of Kazakhstan. 31(1), 2022. P. 142–151. doi: 10.15421/112214 7. Sergeyeva, A.M., Yessembek, S.A., Baubekova, G.K. The Analysis of the Content of the Geography School Curriculum for the Section Country Studies in the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2023 (2/122), p.60-70. https://doi.org/ 10.15407/ugz2023.02.060 |