Surname, name, patronymic name: Kushkimbaeva Ainur Serikbayevna
Date of birth: 29.10.1971
Education: Higher education
Place of employment and work experience: Aktobe Regional State University named after K.Zhubanov, 25 years
Faculty: Philological
Department: Kazakh Philology
Title: PhD doctor
Academic degree and title: PhD doctor
Scientific publications, books, monographs (quantity, name): Published 50 scientific articles in Kazakh, Russian and English. “National terminology: formation and development”, study Guide (Aktobe, 2012), “Critical thinking is an educational process”, educational-methodical manual (Aktobe, 2012), “Theoretical and practical problems of linguoculturology”, educational-methodical manual (Aktobe, 2018)
List of scientific papers