Surname, name, patronymic name: Abdollaev Nurtaza Akeshanovich
Date of birth: 03.06.1943
Education: Higher
Place of employment and work experience: ARU named after K. Zhubanov
Faculty: History
Department: History and Religious Studies
Title: Professor
Academic degree and title: Doctor of Historical Science
Awards: Medal of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Eren enbegy ushyn", Order "Qyrmet", 20,25,40. Victory in the Great Patriotic War medal For the development of science of RK "Golden Medal", "Excellence in Education of RK", "Medal Y. Altynsarin”
Scientific publications, books, monographs (quantity, name): Published scientific works, books and monographs (number, title): - 195 scientific works: 5 monographs, 7 textbooks,). Scientific papers have been published in 12 foreign, domestic journals of scientific collections and collections of materials of scientific and practical conferences.