Surname, name, patronymic name: Gulnur Zhasulanovna Shumakova
Date of birth: 23.10.1983
Education: Higher education
Place of employment and work experience: ARU named after K.Zhubanov, teaching 18 years
Faculty: History
Department: Geography and tourism
Title: Senior lecturer
Academic degree and title: Master (Pedagogy and Psychology)
Awards: A letter of thanks from the trade union organization of the APU named after K. Zhubanov. 2020.
Scientific publications, books, monographs (quantity, name): more than 30 scientific publications, monographs - 1, copyright certificates - 4, educational, teaching aids - 3. Monographs - «Географиялық білім беру жүйесіндегі жаңа инновациялық технологиялар» (2019). Publications on the Scopus and Web of Science database: 1. Namazbaeva, Zh.I., Kuanzhanova, K. T., Mambetalina, A.S., Mukhmetova, R.Zh., Shumakova, G. Zh., Turganbayeva, B.Zh.,Tastemirova, A.S.Development of personal qualities for university teachers, Life Science Journal Том 11, Выпуск 10 SPEC. ISSUE, Страницы 211 – 2142014 Номер статьи 3. 2. Abdullina A.G., Sergeyeva A. M., Saparov K.T., Shumakova G.Zh., Yeginbayeva A.Ye. Embergenov N.J. Toponyms of cretaceous deposits in western Kazakhstan territory (in the context of Aktobe region). News of the National Academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan, Series of geology and technical sciences. - Almaty. - Vol. 2, № 446 2021. - Р. 22-30. 3. Sergeyeva A.M., Abdullina A.G., Albekova A.Y. Shumakova G.Zh. Development of children’s and youth tourism in the modern social space of Kazakhstan. Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology. 31(1), 2022, p. 142–151. Publications in publications included in the KKSON list of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1. Сергеева А.М., Шумакова Г.Ж. Экoлoгиялық бiлiмдi қaлыптacтыpудa opнитoлoгиялық coқпaқтapды ұйымдacтыpу (ыpғыз-тopғaй epeкшe қopғaлaтын тaбиғи aумaғы мыcaлындa). Bulletin of the WKSU: scientific journal of the West Kazakhstan University named after M. Utemisov. - Ural, 2020. – No. 3-S. 189-196. 2. Сергеева А.М., Көшім Ә.Ғ., Шумакова Г.Ж. Ақтөбе облысындағы табиғи ескерткіштерді зерттеу және сақтау мәселелері. Bulletin of the M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University No. 4 (76) – 2019. 3. Сергеева А.М., Шумакова Г.Ж. Географиялық ойлау ұғымының мәні мен құрылымы. Bulletin of the M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University No. 4 (76) – 2019.