Surname, name, patronymic name: Aiguzhina Saniya
Date of birth: 25.04.1964
Education: higher education
Place of employment and work experience: ARU named after K.Zhubanov, length of service - 23 years
Faculty: History
Department: Geography and tourism
Title: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree and title:
Awards: Diploma, testimonial Letter
Scientific publications, books, monographs (quantity, name): Lсаны-50.Соңғы жарық көрген мақала журнал 16.06.2018ж. Social Scien Developent Journal.SSDjournal. Open Access Refereed E-JournaI&Refeereed&Indexed.http://www.ssdjornal.ord/ssdjournai, Arrival Date:16.06.2018. Vol 3/ issue 12/pp:492-495.GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURE OF TOURISTIS OBJECT "ISSYK-KUL" (DESCRIPTION)