Surname, name, patronymic name: Matsyuk Dmitry Anatolyevich
Date of birth: 04.07.1979
Education: Higher education
Place of employment and work experience: ARU them. K.Zhubanova, experience 22 years
Faculty: History
Department: Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan and social and political disciplines
Title: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree and title: Candidate of Philosophy
Awards: Jubilee Medal "50th Anniversary of ARSU named after K.Zhubanov"and the Message Of the President to the people of Kazakhstan Concepts of the state youth policy until 2020 educated age is the future of the nation» diploma of II degree Diploma of the 3 degree in the category "Best electronic textbook" in the competition Pedagogical innovation (Astana, 2018)
Scientific publications, books, monographs (quantity, name):